17618 0 0 Toshiba compatible wireless headsets (Plantronics or Jabra) | IP Toshiba Phones - IP5022-SD, IP5122-SD, IP5122-SDC, IP5131-SDL, IP5132-SD
13108 0 Toshiba compatible wireless headsets (Plantronics or Jabra) | Digital Toshiba Phones - DP5022-SD, DP5022-SDM, DP5032-SD, DP5122-SD, DP5130-FSDL, DP5130-SDL, DP5132-SD
6914 0 0 Nortel Meridian Compatible Wireless Headsets | Jabra - Plantronics | Meridian Phones - M2000, M3000, M4000, M7100, M8000, M9000
14677 0 0 Vodavi Starplus compatible wireless headsets | Plantronics - Jabra | Starplus 2500, 2554, 2700, 2800, 4500, Digital, EX, STS, STSe and Triad phones
14044 1 0 Which wireless headset is compatible with my CISCO SPA 512, 514, 525G2 (Plantronics, Jabra)?
19134 0 0 Is the Plantronics CS50 Wireless Headset compatible with the Cisco IP 7942, 7945, 7962, 7965 or 7975 phone?
34590 1444 0 Shoretel compatible wireless headsets - Plantronics, Jabra - Shortel IP 230, 265, 560, 565 phones
12615 0 0 Comdial - Vertical Edge 120 Business phone - Compatible Wireless and Corded headsets - Plantronics or Jabra
9859 0 0 Can I use the electronic EHS cable instead of the mechanical remote lifter for my wireless headset (plantronics or jabra)?
8896 1 0 Wireless Headsets by Jabra GN9125 and GN9330e. Compatibility with the Cisco SPA504 telephone.
13283 1366 0 Wireless headset that has a EHS (electroinc hook switch) that works with the mitel phones?